Feb 2 / Pri Cosentino

The seven steps to an extraordinary life

Hey there,

Pri here!

Are you fully awake, or just sleepwalking through your goals and dreams? As we wrap up the first month of the year, it's your golden chance to lift your ideal life off the pages and start living it. But before we dive deep, I invite you to open your mind to new possibilities and opportunities.

It all starts with belief. Yes, believing there's a winner inside you capable of reaching the pinnacle of success. You've got all the tools you need for victory. Throughout my coaching sessions across the U.S. and in the transformative experiences I share, the change in people who embrace the seven steps to an extraordinary life, based on Paulo Vieira's "The Power of Action," is undeniable:

  1. Wake Up

What needs to happen for you to truly wake up? Losing your job? Your significant other leaving? Falling ill? It's crucial to awaken before life forces you to. Real awakening involves two steps:

  1. Assessing where you and your life stand.

  2. Waking up to a life of abundance.

The day you're brave and honest enough to evaluate your life is when you'll garner the strength to wake up and chase your dreams properly.

2. Take Action

The comfort zone you're currently nestled in is what's stopping you from moving forward. It's a cozy corner filled with excuses for not doing what you know needs to be done. To break free, identify the areas where you're lagging, understand your undesirable outcomes, and for every excuse, write a NEW story. This step is pivotal in your journey of change.

3. Own It

Embrace this liberating truth: "You are solely responsible for the life you lead. The quality of your thoughts, behaviors, and words has brought you to this point." It was a tough pill for me to swallow, but realizing I hold the reins to my life changed everything. And it will for you, too, once you understand that the power to change lies within.

4. Stay Focused

In today's whirlwind of distractions, maintaining focus is a challenge. But focus means saying NO to even fantastic opportunities that come your way. It's about choosing carefully what to do each day. Remember, your story is written today, in the present moment. So, identify your distractions and eliminate them.

5. Communicate

At the largest emotional intelligence seminar in Latin America, I've seen firsthand how communication shapes our lives and outcomes. Deciding to communicate differently can reprogram your beliefs and drastically change your life. Speak the language of love and live in abundance.

6. Ask Questions

More important than making requests is knowing how to ask the right questions. Good questions show us the path, but the best ones reveal our purposes and values. Develop the habit of asking powerful questions and let them guide you towards success.

7. Believe

Your beliefs have shaped your life up to this point. But thanks to neuroplasticity, you can rewire your brain, creating new neural connections and behaviors. If I did it, so can you.

Now that you're equipped with these seven principles, it's your turn to bring them to life. Dive deeper and grab the practical tools for each step. Want different results? Start taking different actions.

Let's do this. Stay vibrant!


Pri Cosentino

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